11 Sep Angular vs Vue – Top factors to choose the right front-end framework?
Choosing between popular JavaScript frameworks is becoming more challenging with each
passing year. We hope this blog helps you to make that decision a bit easier.
Front-end frameworks are gaining popularity because they enable people and web designers in New Jersey companies to create complicated apps in less time. These technologies are still
changing and have revolutionized the world of web development.
Angular is the most popular web application framework. Vue JS development is also gaining
popularity since it is an adaptable and strong framework that provides numerous benefits at a low
cost. Both outstanding JavaScript frameworks will be around for a long time since they are
powerful and efficient in taking an application from concept to published product.
Front-end frameworks are gaining popularity because they enable people and web design companies to create complicated apps in less time. These technologies are still changing and have revolutionized the world of web development.
Choosing between popular JavaScript frameworks is becoming more challenging with each passing year. We hope this blog helps you to make that decision a bit easier.
Angular is the most popular web application framework. Vue JS development is also gaining popularity since it is an adaptable and strong framework that provides numerous benefits at a low cost. Both outstanding JavaScript frameworks will be around for a long time since they are powerful and efficient in taking an application from concept to published product.
What is the Angular front-end framework?

Angular, an open-source framework supported by Google, is being considered for developing websites and dynamic apps. Angular belongs to the MEAN stack and is supported by many code editors.
Angular 12 is the most recent version, and it includes several unique development features like TypeScript 4.2 support, CLI workflow upgrades, dynamic import for lazy routes, and differential loading.
Angular Statistics
- Among the JavaScript libraries, more than 0.4% of all websites use Angular.
- While fewer sites utilize Angular, it is mainly employed by high-traffic areas.
- Angular has 21k forks, 80k stars, about 1,542+ contributors, and 2.2 million users on GitHub.
- Angular is utilized by 22.96% of developers globally
Popular Web Applications Built With Angular Front-End Framework
- Gmail
- Forbes
- Weather.com
- Paypal
- UpWork
- Deutsche Bank
- Mixer
- WikiWand
- Microsoft Xbox
- The Guardian
- Microsoft Office
- Jet Blue
What is the Vue front-end framework?

Vue is another open-source framework that can cope with React and Angular issues. It is popular in the industry to create a single-page web app.
Vue 3, the most recent version of Vue.js, includes several intriguing new updates and features.
It contains the proper generation of template compile warnings with source data, freestanding reactive objects, Async error handling, Slots, and more features.
Vue Statistics
- Vue is currently used by over 1,940,742 successful websites across the world.
- Vue v2 is preferred by 94.3% of websites, while the framework has a market share of no more than 0.8% overall.
- Vue has around 194k stars and 31.6k forked projects
Popular Web Applications Built With Vue Front-End Framework
As you mentioned, Vue’s goal is to take the most significant aspects of Angular while remaining lightweight. Many companies were interested in this concept and began using Vue to create their apps.
- Gitlab
- Habitica
- Laravel Spark
- Font Awesome
- Leafplayer
- Behance
- Grammarly
- Teleo
- Adobe
- Phone Harbor: Virtual Phone Number Manager
What are the top factors in choosing the proper framework?

1. Learning Curve
To design an application with the Angular frontend development framework, you must be familiar with HTML, MVC, and Typescript. Vue does not fall under this category.
Vue is more straightforward than Angular since it contains app templates and provides more flexibility. Furthermore, since Vue, Angular, or React-based mobility solutions are easily integrated into the Vue platform. Angular and React were combined to create js.
2. Application Performance
Performance is critical when developing a web app and can only be achieved using the DOM (Document Object Model). Most importantly, this feature can affect the overall performance of the website.
The altered elements are re-rendered after the virtual DOM is updated. As a result, the app’s performance improves.
3. Scalability
When it comes to scalability, Angular outperforms Vue. Angular has an excellent modular development framework, but Vue does not. The use of template-based syntax in js hinders code reusability in large-scale programs.
4. Popularity and Job Market
Angular has a significant community that has been continually growing since its original release. It receives over 500,000 weekly downloads and over 70,000 ratings on GitHub. In terms of job prospects, Angular has a larger market. Angular makes it much easier to become a web developer. Most web design companies use Angular because of its ease of designing and managing large, complex online projects.

5. App Loading Time and Size
The latest Angular versions have tree shaking. An Angular-based application, on the other hand, is heavier than one built using the Vue framework. A cation is less light than one with the Vue framework.
Furthermore, the loading time is heavily influenced by the app’s size. As a result, the Vue app makes sure quicker loading.
6. Architecture
The fundamental distinction is at the architectural level. Angular JS supports an MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) model, but Vue JS supports ViewModel (VM). As a result, Angular JS may be used to create a complicated and full-fledged program, but Vue JS can curate an application’s front end.
Furthermore, Angular JS is compatible with all significant server-side programming and scripting languages, including Python, PHP, and Java. Vue JS, on the other hand, is only for the front end. Developers also require significant time to understand and master Angular development. They can, however, learn Vue JS quickly and utilize it to construct a single application in hours.
7. Testing and Debugging
When it comes to testing, Angular is a better choice than Vue. It offers an excellent testing approach and tools like Jasmine and Karma that individually test the development code.
Conversely, VueConversely, Vue needs more rigorous testing requirements, making it easier for developers to deliver a bug-free application. Several performance-testing tools are available for apps created using these frameworks.
When to choose Vue?
Choosing Vue.js for your web app development project if:
- You prefer clean code.
- You want to be the first to enter the market.
- Your application project has a limited scope.
- You will create a single-page, lightweight application.
- It would help if you had high performance and quickness.
When to choose Angular?
Choosing Angular for your development project if:
- Your preferred programming language is object-oriented.
- You will work on a complicated, dynamic, massive app project.
- You may study TypeScript before beginning your project.
- You want dependable and straightforward scalability.
- You only need a real-time program, such as instant messaging or chat software.
Angular or Vue are popular JavaScript frameworks for developing web apps, but they have some key distinctions. Vue JS is simple to learn, well-suited, and lightweight for creating simple to moderately complex web apps. Conversely, Angular is feature-rich, more challenging to comprehend, and well-suited for developing large and complex web applications.